Conceptual Poetry

Between 2012 and 2015 Brian’s writing practice was focused on conceptual poetry. His poetry was socially constructed and is included in the permanent collection of the MoMA Library as part of Paul Soulellis’ Library of the Printed Web. Most of the work that he created during this period was under the pen name The Post-Art Poets, an imaginary group of anti-art conceptual poets whose poetic efforts were in fact the result of his work alone. While Brian was responsible for creating the imaginary group, all of their posts, and their publishing, the socially constructed nature of the work meant that many other artists and poets contribued to the work of The Post-Art Poets in response to his instigations and invitations. The Library of Artistic Print on Demand, a project by the Free University of Berlin, the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, and the Bavarian State Library, and funded by the German Research Foundation, contains a comprehensive analysis of these poetic works. 

Following this period his writing practice shifted from conceptual poetry to design criticism and then to fiction.

▸ The PAP Manifesto
▸ Der Klaus, w/ Klaus Biesenbach
▸ A Fair Warning, w/ Vanessa Place
▸ Fungible Poetics, w/ Vanessa Place et al.
▸ 55 Faxes, w/ Chris Habib
▸ 32 Words
▸ The Wordless Poets
▸ Bots
▸ @postartpoets 

Small Stack, w. Derek Beaulieu